
Fundraising for Your Child’s Travel Club Team

Congratulations! Your child has made a travel team and is super excited to play/perform with the team, make new friends and learn more about something they are passionate about.

But as a parent you may learn how much is expected regarding fundraising for all the requirements that accompany the new travel team. In addition to more practice time than ever before, you as a parent may be expected to step into a volunteer fundraiser role. And a bigger commitment is expected, and more money is required than participating at the non-travel level.

You could try an event for a onetime fundraiser by looking into popular selling items like pizzas or cookie dough or maybe hold a car wash. All of these may be very viable onetime fundraiser options for your team to consider, or perhaps have successfully undertaken. However, there may be a better, easier, and more profitable way.

From our experience the increased expectations and costs for a travel sport include:

  • Sports gear/uniforms/costumes (depending on the sport or activity)
  • Mandatory league and event participation fees
  • Travel arrangements when traveling to an out-of-town event/tournament/competition which may include: airfare, car rental, hotel, and dining out
  • Team dining or celebratory events

Rest easy -- as Inspire.World can help with all of these costs and help raise money for your travel team at the same time. Inspire.World offers a great alternative to traditional fundraising options, as it is the only online platform enabling contributions to worthy causes through every day, online purchases of products, travel, and entertainment.

It is also the most profitable fundraising option with 50% of profits on purchases going back to your cause. This allows you to focus your energy on your cause and its mission instead of fundraising.





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